Wednesday, May 26, 2010


...mostly. But I'm feeling great about today. And, I would have never imagined saying that only a few hours ago.

So, my morning was not-so-fun. Mostly struggling with this foreign language of IDL. My goal was to read the Kalirai data table in to IDL, and so I spent most of the morning aligning columns and then failing to understand what I was supposed to do next. By lunch, I was pretty frustrated, and wondering why I'd chosen to go into an academic field that required so much computer knowledge that I didn't know, and didn't really want to know.

But, thanks to Mimi, who told me to relax over lunch and sit in the sun, so I could return with a clear head and a relaxed mindset, I was able to tackle IDL this afternoon. I have now successfully read in the data table (!!) with the readfmt command passed on to me by Beth.

I also started calculating the average surface brightness at the half-light radius in IDL. Something's still a little off there, though. The final result I get is not quite what I get when I work it out by hand. I'll look at this again tomorrow...

The moral of today's story is a motivational one. I am capable of figuring this stuff out, (given some patience and time). And, when I do accomplish something that seems impossible, it feels pretty good.

(Too many feelings for a science blog? Not sure... Still new at this.)

1 comment:

  1. IDL challenges...We've all been there...
    Glad to hear you've triumphed.
    (And I'm pretty sure half of my blog last year was me talking about frustration and dealing with bugs and other issues. Definitely blog it, gets some of the grrr out.) ;)
