I mean, it's real progress, but my fake dwarfs are progressing quite nicely.
Yesterday, I did some more IDL learning, and wrote functions generating star positions in fake galaxies that fit an exponential, circularly symmetric model. Today, I wrote a function converting these positions into x and y coordinates in terms of exponential scale lengths. Beth then gave me a little bit of contour-plot bootcamp, and she helped me produce this little number:
... nice, huh?
This afternoon, I worked on creating a function to convert these x and y coordinates in units of exponential scale lengths to angular size in units of arcmin, as well as plotting an isochrone of an old, metal poor galaxy, as provided to me by Mimi. As I write these functions, I'm also trying to keep track of my work through headers that explain what the function does and how to use it.
I've really been enjoying these simulations. A week ago, this blog post would have seemed like a foreign language. But now, I'm excited to work more and more on this project of creating these fake galaxies, mostly because I know where this work is heading. Soon enough, these fakes will be put in simulated fake backgrounds, so we can determine their detectability. And, ultimately, we'll determine how detectable dwarfs like these fakes would be in our own sky...
As a side note-- a special blog Thank You goes to Beth, who has been putting up with me in her office for long periods of time these past few days. I know she has a ton to work on, so I'm feeling pretty grateful that she takes so much time out of her day to help me. THANKS BETH!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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i) thank you for the shout out
ReplyDeleteii) Next steps (rough goal ~ next Friday for part d)
a) use create_exp_filter and filter_image_beth in combination to make the image in your post even prettier, and to begin some "hands on" convolving a spatial filter with an image
b) fake CMD bootcamp (Gail also has experience with this) and writing a function to fake CMD
c) in one patch of SDSS insert 50 fake And XIX's. All will have the Mv and scale length of the true XIX, but you will do 10x5 different distances.
d) apply Shane's exact search and detect algorithm to these data to see if those 50 are detected